Caneel K. Joyce: Academic CV


Ph.D.  Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, 2009

Business Administration, Management of Organizations / OBIR group
Dissertation:  The Blank Page: Effects of Constraint on Creativity
Barry Staw (chair), Philip Tetlock, Cameron Anderson, Robert MacCoun, and Sara Beckman, committee members

M.S. Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, 2005

Business Administration

B.A.  University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 2000

Major: Communication Studies cum laude
Minor: Anthropology


Lecturer (U.K. equivalent to tenure track Asst Professor) 2009-2012

London School Of Economics

Dept of Management, Employment Relations & Organisational Behaviour (EROB) Group


Creativity, design, innovation, and constraints.  Problem definition, idea generation and idea selection; new product development teams; decision making; cognitive style; organizational culture; group norms; conflict and diversity; innovation in service industries, design thinking.

My research interests lie at the intersection of creativity, decision-making and culture with an emphasis on the ways in which the social environment shapes our strategies for generating and evaluating new ideas.  I see creativity as a strategic process through we we not only solve problems and design new innovations, but we also seek to gain acceptance, status, and power.


Joyce, Caneel K.; Jennings, Kyle E.; Hey, Jonathan H. G.; Kalil, Thomas & Grossman, Jeffrey C. (2010).  Getting down to business: Using speedstorming to initiate creative cross-disciplinary collaboration, Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol. 19, No. 1, 57-67.

Hey, Jonathan H. G.; Joyce, Caneel K.; Jennings, Kyle E.; Kalil, Thomas & Grossman, Jeffrey C. (2009). Putting the discipline in interdisciplinary: Using speedstorming to teach and initiate creative collaboration in nanoscience. Journal of Nanoeducation, Vol. 1, No. 1, 75–85.

Joyce, Caneel K.; Chatman, Jennifer A. & Lyons, R. (2007). Innovation in services: Corporate culture and investment banking, California Management Review, Vol. 50, No. 1, 174-191.

Hey, Jonathan H. G.; Joyce, Caneel K. & Beckman, Sara L. (2007)  Framing innovation: Negotiating shared frames during early design phases, Journal of Design Research, Vol. 6. No. 1, 79-99.


The blank page: Creativity and voluntary constraint in new product development teams.

Curvilinear effects of constraint on creativity: Laboratory evidence from a product design task.

Boxed in, set free:  A theory of creativity under constraint.

Teaching design thinking. (with Sara L. Beckman and Lora Oehlberg)


Chatman, Jennifer A.; Wong, Elaine M. & Joyce, Caneel K. (2008). When do people make the place? Considering the interactionist foundations of the attraction-selection-attrition model, p. 65-88 in Brent Smith (Ed.), The People Make the Place: Dynamic Linkages between Individuals and Organizations, A Festschrift in Honor of Benjamin Schneider. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.


Joyce, Caneel K. (2010). The Blank Page: How Constraining the Creative Task Influences Creative Processes and Outcomes. Part of symposium on Constraining the Consumption Environment to Enhance Consumer Creativity, to be presented at the 2010 Association for Consumer Research Conference, Jacksonville, FL.

Beckman, Sara L. & Joyce, Caneel K. (2009).  Reflections on Teaching Design Thinking to MBA Students. Presented from the Business as an Agent of World Benefit Conference, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.

Joyce, Caneel K.; Jennings, Kyle E.; Hey, Jonathan H. G.; Kalil, Thomas & Grossman, Jeffrey C.. (2007).  Getting Down to Business: Results Using Speedstorming to Initiate Creative Collaborations, Presented at the ECCI X 10th European Conference on Creativity and Innovation, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. Recognized as one of best five papers at the conference.

Joyce, Caneel K. & Chatman, Jennifer A. (2006). Norm misperception in innovation work groups. Presented at the Academy of Management Meetings, Atlanta, GA.

Self, William; Chatman, Jennifer A. & Joyce, Caneel K. (2006). The relative influence of leaders and group norms on performance. Presented at the Academy of Management Meetings, Atlanta, GA.


Joyce, Caneel K. (2010).  Capgras: The Art of Hunter Mack, Ambivalent magazine, forthcoming.


Joyce, Caneel K. (2010).  Slicing the blank page: How constraint influences creativity in new product development teams, Cass Business School, London, UK

Jennings, Kyle E. & Joyce, Caneel K. (2007).  Overcoming challenges to identifying creative collaborators  in interdisciplinary work: Speedstorming and structured social interaction, workshop given at the ECCI X 10th European Conference on Creativity and Innovation, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.

Joyce, Caneel K. (2008).  Boxed In, Set Free: Effects of Constraints on Creativity, Berkeley-Stanford Organizational Behavior Conference, Palo Alto, California.

Joyce, Caneel K. (2007).  Speedstorming for creativity: Interdisciplinary research is hard to do but structured social interaction can help, Grouptalk seminar, Berkeley Institute for Design, Berkeley California.

Joyce, Caneel K. (2007).  Curvilinear Effects of Constraints on Creativity: Evidence from a Product Design Experiment, Berkeley-Stanford Organizational Behavior Conference, Palo Alto, California.

Joyce, Caneel K. (2006).  Value diversity and culture formation in team innovation, Kurt Lewin Institute Organizational & Group Dynamics seminar, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Joyce, Caneel K. (2006).  Value diversity and culture formation in team innovation, Seminar on Social Decision Making at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Joyce, Caneel K., Jennings, Kyle E., Hey, Jonathan H. G., Kalil, Thomas, & Grossman, Jeffrey C.. (2007).  Getting Down to Business: Results Using Speedstorming to Initiate Creative Collaborations, Poster presented to the National Science Foundation Review Board Mini-Conference, CITRIS Institute, University of California, Berkeley.


London School of Economics, Department of Management                                     2009-present

  • Organisational Behaviour – Masters Students
  • Organisational Change – Masters Students
  • Negotiations and Decision Making – Executives
  • Negotiations: Interests, Information, Strategy and Power – Summer School Students
  • Designed new programs and curriculum for MSc in OB and BSc in management programs

Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley                                          2004-2008

  • Organizational Behavior – Undergraduates
  • Leadership (graduate student instructor and team facilitator) – MBAs
  • Negotiations & Conflict Mediation (guest lecturer and graduate student instructor) – MBAs/Executive MBAs
  • Innovation in Services & Business Models (guest lecturer) – MBAs
  • New Product Development (guest lecturer) – MBAs and Masters Students

Haas@Work Program in Applied Innovation (for the Haas School of Business)             2006-2009

  • Clients included Cisco Systems, Panasonic, Sunpower, The Walt Disney Company’s Disney Media Group, and LAM Research (Curriculum contributor and innovation team facilitator)


  • 2008 Institute for Business and Economic Research (IBER) research grant recipient
  • 2008 U.C. Berkeley X-Lab (Experimental Social Science Laboratory) research grant recipient
  • 2006-2007 California Management Review Fellow
  • 2006   Invitee to Annual Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Consortium, Organizational Management and Theory Division, Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta
  • 2005-2006 Crawford Fellow
  • 2004-2005 William H. Smith Scholarship Fund Recipient
  • 2003-2004 Graduate Fellowship: William H. Smith Scholarship Fund Recipient


  • Member, Innovation Co-Creation Lab
  • Ad-hoc Reviewer: California Management Review; Organizational Behavior division, Academy of Management national conference
  • Member, Academy of Management: Organizational Behavior, Entrepreneurship, Organization and Management Theory, Managerial Cognition divisions
  • Visiting Scholar, the Kurt Lewin Institute & the Department of Work and Organizational Psychology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006)
  • New Doctoral Consortium, Organizational Behavior Division, Academy of Management Conference in New Orleans (2004)


Consultant and strategic advisor, Ongoing

Recent clients have included firms in the product design, retail, internet, fine arts and film industries.

B.A.  University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA),  2001- 2003

Total Health & Productivity Corporation (Thap), Emeryville, California

Organizational Design Consultant (freelance), 2000

Spectrum Consulting, Los Angeles, California

Assistant to Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing, 1998-2000

Edgesoft, Inc., Santa Monica, California

Promotions Coordinator, 1998

Suissa Miller Advertising, Los Angeles, California


  • Co-designer of the new Behavioural Research Lab, London School of Economics (Opens Oct 2010)
  • Leadership Team & Strategy Creation Facilitator for the Global Social Venture Competition and NetImpact leadership teams, Haas School of Business
  • High-Technology Industry Panel Coordinator, Women in Leadership Conference
  • Vice President, PhD Association, Haas School of Business
  • Mentor for Yeah! (Young Entrepreneurs at Haas), program for Oakland high school students.
  • Graduate, 16-day Multi-Element Outward Bound Course, North Carolina
  • Actress and singer (20 years of performing experience)